15 August, 2011


I'm a lists person; paper, computer, iPhone don't care just have to make lists, daily, weekly.

I use to write everything on the list too, not just JOBS but scrapping, nap lol. Now I still write scrapping on it lol but things like dishwasher, tidy kitchen, make beds are a given, I have to do those everyday.

The difference bwn me now and me 4 or 5 years ago, apart from 3 kids lol, is that I don't feel like I have to get all of the list done today. I just plod away at the list over a week or so.

Right well as you can see I have 13 tasks on my to do list, 3 or 4 of which involve the PO and I want to go there after kinder pick up, so better get moving.

Are you a lists person?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


donna said...

I have that App on my phone too.. but I really need to start using it to get better organised.. thanks for the reminder!

Tam said...

I am absolutely a list person. I LOVE ticking stuff off. I read something interesting ages ago about the difference between to-dos and your routine - making the bed, washing, housework etc is a routine (i.e. MUST be done, and generally every day) whereas to-dos are one off things that generally don't repeat. Makes the to-dos a bit more manageable!

Nicolee said...

totally ME!!! I have to have my lists/notes or I'm lost!!! one of my mums sayings.....WRITE IT DOWN!!! x

Her Essential Hand said...

yep I am a list girl too - there is a few note books in everyroom in the house!
Good luck with the list Mal.

Jasmine S said...

Yep, I make lists about the next list.....

Sue Plumb said...

Yes, I am a lists person - it runs in our family...LOL (Sister is the same - we get it from our dad, who got it from his dad!) ;-)