11 February, 2009

An apology

Honesty is the Best policy!

I want to apologise to Christine Millar....my first ever published LO was in CP this week and I have to apologise to Christine as the work was not solely mine. I did not know that the LO she did for a class for Scrapping with CF was copyrighted and I thought that if I changed some of the work then it would be ok to publish the work.


I really didn't know I was doing something fraudulent and have written to CP to ask for a retraction to be printed as well as talking to Christine and apologising.

I feel absolutely awful about this and am preparing myself for the ramifications. I know that I may lose some scrapping friends over this but I need to post this apology to try and make things up to Christine.


Monique said...

Big Hugs Mal...
We all make mistakes in our lives, and it takes a lot of courage to apologise when we do.....

Bree said...

Good on you Mal for being honest and being prepared to accept the consequences! I hope your apology is accepted and you can move forward from this with tthe knowledge that you have done your best to put it right :) xx

Jane said...

we all make mistakes and the hardest part is the apologising. You've made the best step possible to correct the situation - good on you :).

Peta said...

good for Mal - honest mistakes happen :)

Ceci said...

Hugs Mal...we all make mistakes and it was an honest mistake. xx

Chris Millar said...

Hi Malinda,
I'm glad we were able to talk about the publishing last night and I know that it was an honest mistake, so I thank you for the public apology, but please don't be worrying about it anymore.
Happy scrapping!

Sar said...

Oh darl, how awful for you, looks like its all sorted but, don't stress anymore.

Luv Sar

Natallie KING said...

Malinda , good for YOU to get it sorted out and to talking to Chris and to apolize. Happy Scrapping. Nat

Anonymous said...

Mal, it's a lesson for us all. I can't see you losing scrapping friends over it......That would be mean spirited.


glad your appologie was accepted..